Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hot Rod Power Tour, Little Rock, June 7, 2008

I'm a big ol' motorhead, and a cheapskate, so when I found out admission to the Hot Rod Power Tour show at Little Rock was free, I was so there.

Crappy camera phone pics:

Hot Rod Power Tour, Little Rock, June 7, 2008

The thing which really impressed me was that unlike expectations, it wasn't a bunch of well groomed and scrupulously detailed magazine cars, but lots of "real" hot rods, warts and all, on display. The other thing was the size of the event, it was massive! And cars kept coming in throughout the day. To be sure, there were lots of well detailed cars there as well (that silver Nova in the above album was cleaner than clean).

Other cool part: Peak Antifreeze let me sit in the Indy car they had on display. The last time I sat in a car like that was in '64 at the Langhorne speedway. Oddly, this car was not as comfortable, but then I'm much taller now.

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